How to Play
Collect golds to get bigger
Kill others to collect their golds
Mouse: move cursor, click to attack
Keyboard: WASD, arrows move and SPACE to attack
Mobile:drag with one finger, tap with second finger to attack
Keep attack pressed longer to focus and make a special dash attack unblocked is a website and mobile app that allows users to create and play pirate-themed minigames. It features a variety of mini-games, such as a pirate-themed version of the classic game Battleship, as well as a multiplayer game called Shipwreck. The website also features a chat room, where players can talk and interact with each other.

YOHOHO.IO UNBLOCKED PIRATE GAME is a popular online multiplayer game where players control a pirate ship and compete against other players to become the most powerful pirate on the high seas. In this game, players can upgrade their ship, hire crew members, and raid other ships to collect treasure and increase their score. In this article, we will explore the gameplay of and provide some tips and tricks for players who want to dominate the game.


The gameplay of is fairly simple. Players control a pirate ship and must collect as much treasure as possible while avoiding enemy ships and obstacles. The game is set in a large oceanic world, where players can move their ship around by using the WASD keys. Players can shoot cannons at other ships by clicking the left mouse button, and they can collect treasure by sailing over it. In addition to collecting treasure, players can also collect orbs that appear randomly throughout the game. These orbs can be used to upgrade the player's ship or hire crew members. Upgrading the ship can increase its speed, health, and damage output, while hiring crew members can provide additional firepower and other benefits. As players progress through the game, they will encounter increasingly difficult challenges. Other players will attempt to raid their ship and steal their treasure, and the game world is filled with dangerous obstacles, such as whirlpools and sea monsters. To succeed in, players must develop a strong strategy and be able to adapt to changing circumstances.

Tips and Tricks

Upgrade your ship early and often: The key to success in is having a powerful ship that can withstand attacks from other players. Therefore, it is important to upgrade your ship as soon as possible. Focus on increasing your ship's speed and health first, as this will help you escape from danger and survive longer in battle. Hire crew members wisely: Crew members can provide additional firepower and other benefits, but they also cost orbs to hire. Therefore, it is important to choose your crew members wisely. Look for crew members who can complement your play style and provide the most benefit to your ship. Be strategic with your cannon shots: In, cannon shots can be limited, so it is important to use them wisely. Try to aim for other ships' weak points, such as their hull or sails. Additionally, try to predict where other ships will be moving and aim ahead of them to ensure that your shots hit their mark. Keep an eye out for treasure and orbs: Treasure and orbs are the key to success in, so it is important to collect as much as possible. Keep an eye out for treasure floating in the water, and sail over it to collect it. Additionally, be on the lookout for orbs, and collect them whenever possible to upgrade your ship and hire crew members. Stay alert and be prepared for battle: is a fast-paced game, and other players can attack at any time. Therefore, it is important to stay alert and be prepared for battle at all times. Keep an eye on the minimap to see where other players are, and be ready to defend yourself if necessary. is a fun and challenging game that requires strategy, skill, and quick reflexes. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, players can increase their chances of success and become the most powerful pirate on the high seas. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, offers endless hours of entertainment and excitement. So grab your crew and set sail for adventure!
Records Last Best Total
Kills 0 0 0
Loot 0 0 0
Time survived 0s 0s 0s
Drag with one finger, tap with second finger to attack
Keep second finger pressed longer to focus and make a special dash attack
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12345 Pick yer character pet
Your pet regenerates: 10 Health Points/s
Upgrade for 12345
"Dead men tell no tales..."
Ye have been killed by someone
Ye survived 1 min 13s and placed #32
Ye killed x scallywag(s) and plundered 15
Yer booty is now 1234
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